Off the Rails in Bangkok

Off the Rails in Bangkok - Sights Accessible by Train & Boat

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Many of Bangkok's most well known sights, as well as some "hidden" gems, are easily accessible by the city's train, subway and river boat system. This eGuide takes you on a tour of many of these places, which includes traditional Thai houses, Chinatown, and the sprawling weekend market.

Our eGuide, "Off the Rails in Bangkok", combines the detailed information about these sights with useful information about how to get there, as well as how to make your way around Bangkok quickly and easily. The content, most of which is taken from this web site, is enhanced with margin notes giving you background information and bits of trivia you won't find anywhere else. You'll find far more detail than you'll get from any travel guide, in a small format that's easy to take with you.

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Some of the pages from "Off the Rails in Bangkok"

"Off the Rails in Bangkok" is 16 letter-sized pages in length. Like all our web guides, it is delivered in Adobe Acrobat ('PDF') format, a universal document format that can be displayed and printed on any computer, as well as a wide selection of hand-held devices, using the free Acrobat Reader. Why should you buy an eGuide when the content on the site is free? See our FAQ for the answer to this question, and many more.