Outdoor Activities in Asia

A break during a white-water rafting trip in Bali.

Asia offers any number of options for the outdoor enthusiast. Since most of Southeast Asia is in the tropics, a lot of outdoor activities naturally involve water, whether its in the ocean or on its way there. Some of the main choices include:

  • Surfing
  • Windsrufing
  • Diving & Snorkeling
  • Whitewater Rafting
  • Trekking

Check out the guidebooks below for more information about these activities. There are many professional guides available in the most popular tourist destinations.

Other popular outdoor activities include cycling, trekking, rock climbing and that quintessential Asian pastime, golf!


Travels Along the Edge: 40 Ultimate Adventures for the Modern Nomad--From Crossing the Sahara to Bicycling Through Vietnam


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Bali (Periplus Adventure Guides)


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Lonely Planet Cycling Vietnam: Laos & Cambodia (Lonely Planet Cycling Guides)


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Diving Southeast Asia: A Guide to the Best Dive Sites in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand (Periplus Action Guides)


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An Underwater Guide to Indonesia


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Diving and Snorkeling Bali and Lombok (Lonely Planet)


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Surfing Indonesia (Periplus Action Guides)


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