Hanoi Weather

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Vietnam's year is generally divided into just two seasons: the "dry season" and "rainy season." Hanoi swings between a downright cold dry season and a very tropical wet season. The current conditions in Hanoi can be seen in the box at right. Visit WeatherUnderground for more detailed information and long-range forecast.

Six-Day Weather Forecast for Hanoi

Historical Weather Patterns for Hanoi

The dry season runs from November to March. This is also the coldest time of year, when night-time temperatures require a good warm jacket.

Average Monthly High & Low Temperatures
Average highs and lows

The wet season follows the cool season from about May to October. From July to November, it's also typhoon season, when violent tropical storms can hit the coast. The rainy season is not an entirely bad time to visit. The rains usually only last an hour or two in the afternoon, leaving the rest of the time to explore with the sights pretty much to yourself.

Average Monthly Rainfall
Average Hanoi Rainfall