Pakse Weather

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Like much of mainland Southeast Aisa, Pakse has three seasons: the "cool" season from November to February, the "hot" season from March to May, and the "rainy" season from June to October. The cool season is the traditional time to visit, but it's also when sights will be the most crowded, and hotel rates the highest. Conventional wisdom has it that the rainy season is the worst time to come, but this is not necessarily true. The rains generally occur in short, sometimes violent, cloudbursts which usually come in the late afternoon. If you plan your day accordingly, you can do your sightseeing in the morning, and be relaxing in a spa when the rains arrive. See Weather Underground for more detailed forecast information.

Five-Day Pakse Weather Forecast

Historical Weather Information

Pakse Average Monthly Highs & Lows (°C)
Average monthly highs and lows for Pakse

As you can see, the "cool" season is not really that cold. At most, you might feel the need for a light sweater at night. While April is the hottest month, this is also the month when the traditional new year is celebrated.

Pakse Average Monthly Rainfall (cm)
Average monthly rainfall for Pakse