Asia for Visitors

Syed Alatas Mansion

Penang Islamic Museum
The house of Syed Alatas, an Achehnese merchant, now housing the Penang Islamic Museum

Syed Mohamed Alatas was a wealthy merchant from Aceh on the island of Summatra, who traded between Aceh and Penang. He was a key figure in helping the Acehnese resist the Dutch seige of 1870 by smuggling arms to the resistance.

He lived in this house on Lebuh Armenian, near the junction with Lebuh Acheh, with his first wife, a Malay of royal descent. His second wife was the daughter of the head of the Khoo clan.

The mansion was one of the first of Penang's old buildings to be restored in 1993, with French assistance. Although restored, it had no operating funds, and so has now been taken over by the Penang state and converted to use a the Penang Islamic Museum. Inside you'll find some interesting displays on the art, architecture and cultural influences of Islam.

The museum is open daily except Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Admission is 3 Ringgit.