Around L.P.
Once you've had a look around Luang Prabang's old town, you're not done. There's more to see around the countryside, including some rather spectacular natural scenery. The city makes a natural, comfortable base for exploring the region via day trips. There are any number of touts along the Mekong offering to take you on river trips, as well as more touts along Sisavang Vong Road offering to take you to waterfalls and other attractions in the area.

- Wat Long Khoun
- Just across the Mekong River is the small district of Xiang Men and the formerly important temple of Wat Long Khoun. Suprisingly, few people, even tourists, bother to venture across the river to this charming spot.
- Pak Ou Caves
- Easily one of the most popular day trips out of Luang Prabang, and with good reason. The trip up the Mekong to the cave set in a sheer cliff above the river is full of spectacular natural scenery as well as local culture.
- Tat Se Waterfall
- The closer, but less spectacular, of two waterfalls near Luang Prabang.
- Kouang Si Waterfall
- The Kouang Si falls are further from Luang Prabang, but much more spectacular.