This former high school was the site of the Khmer Rouge's notorious prison S-21, where more than 13,000 people were killed for being 'educated'. It is now a museum with some rather nightmare-inspiring displays.
Front of the Cambodian National Museum. The Cambodian National Museum is housed in an elegant Khmer styled red sandstone building just north of the Royal Palace walls. As you approach (and most likely photograph) the building from the park in front, the entrance is through the street corner on your right.
The National Museum Arrows indicate the suggested path through the museum. In plan, the layout of the museum is quite simple.
One of the interrogation cells in Building 'A' The prison officially known as "S-21" was established by the Khmer Rouge regime at the Toul Svay Prey High School in Phnom Penh in May 1976. The classrooms were converted to prison cells with barred windows, while the open-air halls were covered with barbed wire to prevent escapes. Small individual cells were just large enough to hold one person, who was chained to the floor.