Asia for Visitors

Reviewed Hotels

Here's a list of all the hotels that we've personally stayed at and written up in Phnom Penh. I would definitely recommend any of them, with some caveats as noted in the reviews. There are lots of hotels to choose from so if you don't fancy any of these, the use the search box on this page to find the best rates from dozens of sites using Hotels Combined.

Amanjaya Pancam Hotel
Very well located hotel right on the waterfront just a few blocks from the Royal Palace.
Blue Lime Hotel
Nice contemporary Khmer styled hotel tucked in an alley behind the National Museum.
Blue Tongue Hotel
Good basic budget hotel not far from the central market area, and still handy to most of the sights.
Bougainvillier Hotel
Inexpensive option right on the riverfront. Pay for a front room if you want a view and plan to stay for a while.
The Quay Boutique Hotel
Small, rather posh, boutique hotel right one the riverside.