Asia for Visitors

Olympic Stadium

Among Phnom Penh's largest and most significant architectural treasures is the National Sports Complex, more commonly referred to as the Olympic Stadium. Built in the early 1960s, the complex includes the large outdoor stadium, an indoor arena typically used for volleyball, and Olympic sized pools for swimming and diving.

Olympic Stadium
The National Sports Complex

The Khmer Rouge used the stadium for the public executions of the government officials of the Lon Nol regime, which they overthrew. After the fall of the Khmer Rouge the stadium fell into severe disrepair. In 2000 the complex was effectively sold off to a Taiwanese company that refurbished the stadium and developed the land around the periphery. The stadium is back in use and has proved popular with local residents. Unfortunately, to accomplish the development of the surrounds the new company filled in many of the essential drainage systems, putting the stadium under renewed threat.

The stadium seems to be generally accessible when it's not being used for some function. There's a market around the north side of the area that makes for an interesting walk. It's starts off with a seemingly endless row of motorcycle shops but then transitions into a fresh produce market, with some clothing towards the end.