Asia for Visitors

Ta Keo

Ta Keo stands just a short distance from the eastern "Victory" Gate of Angkor Thom. The temple is one of the great temple-mountains of Angkor, but it seems to be well off the main tourist trail, perhaps because it was never finished.

Ta Keo
The temple of Ta Keo

A causeway stretches out to the east, from the grander eastern gate. The temple, almost square in plan, rises up on three major levels or tiers. The first tier has long galleries on either side of the first gate on the eastern side. On the second level, again on the eastern side, are two halls along with two libraries, although much of them are in ruins. Finally, on the third level rises the central sanctuary, surrounded by four pavilions. The tiny central sanctuary is reached by another high stairway. Although the room is small and un-decorated, it does soar to quite a height.

Plan of Ta Keo

You can enter Ta Keo from either the west, south or east gates. Entering from south and the ascending to the second level via the east stairway allows you to see the long halls on the first level. I exited by the north gate and walked around to the causeway on the east side to get the best photo angle.